Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is the way you think keeping you from being disruptive?

A recent article I read got me to thinking that the way we think may hinder or encourage us to develop disruptive innovations.  All this ties in to change management and resistance to change.  We all are familiar with people who resist change no matter what, even if they would benefit from it.  So, how do we break out of this way of thinking and find a new way that allows to follow the "what ifs"?

Dr Ellen Weber has developed something called Mindguiding base on practical applications of neuro discoveries.  The idea in Mindguiding is to use working memory to cultivate new ideas and rely less on long term memory of how things used to be done.  The idea is to question things in a way that allows others to see possibilities through another person's viewpoint.  Similar to the 5 Whys of root cause analysis, Mindguiding says to ask What if questions.  In a group setting this can bring about extraordinary results.

What to you think?  Would this work for you?  Try it an let me know if you find it easier to come up with disruptive innovations by using your brain in a different way.

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