Monday, January 21, 2013

What YOU can do to be disruptive

No, I don't mean be disruptive in behavior, but in creating disruptive innovation in your work environment.  Mike Brown blogs about taking the NO out of inNOvation. He posits that there are ten things that block innovation irrespective of business culture.  In each of these areas he suggests change management steps and actions that an individual can take to mitigate those hindrances.  Many of those steps reference further details in past blogs he has written that address those issues.

As he says, not all ten challenges to innovation are present in any business, but just a few of them are effective in reducing innovation.  Here are the ten challenges he lists:

1. NO Knack for Disruptive Innovation 
2. NO Direction 
3. NO Rocking the Boat 
4. NO Talent Pool
5.There’s NO Tomorrow 
6. NO Resources 
7. NO Motivation to Innovate 
8. NO Process 
9. NO Implementation Success 
10. NO Measures
Disruptive innovation can be disruptive to an organizational culture and many businesses do not handle disruption well, putting in place processes and procedures to minimize disruption.  Many perceive disruptive innovation as a threat to their position and authority and actively work to minimize disruption. 

But, every organization needs someone to work against these forces until it is recognized that disruptive innovation is necessary for survival in today's dynamic environment.

Tell me what you do to encourage innovation in your environment. 

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